Queen of Cups

Tarot and Tea Cafe

Aether - Jenova - Shirogane - Ward 30 Plot 24

Open bi-weekly on Fridays
8:00PM - 11:00PM (EST)

Queen of Cups


Buyouts and Residential Readers Available!
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Residential Readers!

Providing readers to your venue for residency at your venue or for special events!

Free Company Events!

Want to host a Fortune Telling event at Queen of Cups? Schedule your next FC Event with us!

Queen of Cups has Readers residing with the following venues!

Contact Mono'sono Glu'tame for details and inquiries!

Queen of Cups

Fortune Telling Services

Request a reading from any of our talented readers! Listen to their music while receiving your reading!


Tobias Sungreave

Alexios Devereaux

Sage Woodward

Queen of Cups

Frequently Asked Questions

New to Fortune Telling? Not sure what you will experience? Do not worry; Queen of Cups has an FAQ to help give you insight into what you will experience with our readers.Remember, while these practices can offer insight and guidance, always trust your intuition and judgment when making decisions based on readings.

What is Fortune Telling?

Fortune telling is predicting information about a person's life, often involving spirituality, intuition, and various tools or methods. It's important to remember that most fortune-telling readings should be taken as guidance or insight rather than definitive predictions of the future.

How accurate are these readings?

The accuracy varies and often depends on the interpreter's skill, intuition, and the recipient's openness to the process. Viewing these readings as tools for reflection and guidance rather than fixed predictions is essential.

How should I prepare for a reading?

Come with an open mind, and if possible, have a specific question or topic in mind. Remember to relax, be receptive, and view the experience as a form of guidance rather than definitive answers.

Mono'sono Glu'tame

Tea Leaf Card

Coming Week10,000gil
Astral House150,000gil
Coming Year500,000gil

Tarot Reading

Three card reading30,000gil
Five card reading80,000gil
The Love Spread (couples)100,000gil
Seven card reading120,000gil
The Spiritual Spread200,000gil
Ten card reading250,000gil
Drop Spread500,000gil

Moon Oracle

Three Card30,000gil
Five Card80,000gil
Celtic Cross200,000gil

Nordic Rune

Five Rune Layout60,000gil
Seven Rune Layout100,000gil
24 Rune Layout500,000gil

Affirmation Oracle

Drop Spread250,000gil

Dream Oracle

Drop Spread250,000gil

Pendulum Board Included with each Reading!

*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed

Cyprus Wisteria

Reading Prices

One card reading50,000gil
Three card reading100,000gil
Five card reading300,000gil
Love Readings (for couples or singles)300,000gil
Seven card reading600,000gil
Spiritual Spreads1,000,000gil
Ten card reading1,000,000gil

*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed

*Take what resonates, leave what doesn't

Emi Delmara

Reading Prices

Tea leaf reading8,000gil
One card reading8,000gil
Three card reading25,000gil
Seven card reading120,000gil
Ten card reading200,000gil
Oracle Bones (limited)200,000gil

*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed

Yo Zappa

Reading Prices

One card reading8,000gil
Three card reading25,000gil
Five card reading80,000gil
Seven card reading120,000gil
Ten card reading200,000gil

*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed

Shar Ky

Reading Prices

Three card reading50,000gil
General Reading with Clarifiers80,000gil
Relationship Readings100,000gil

*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed

Tobias Sungreave

Reading Prices

5 Yes/No Card Pulls5,000gil
Two card spread20,0000gil
Three card Spread50,000gil
Couples Spread70,000gil
Five Card Spread75,000gil

*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed

Alexios Deveraux

Reading Prices

One card reading8,000gil
Three card Spread25,000gil
General Readings80,000gil
Relationship Readings100,000gil
Dream Readings100,000gil

*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed

Sage Woodward

Reading Prices

One card reading20,000gil
Two Card Love Reading30,000gil
Three Card Spread40,000gil
Celtic Cross50,000gil

With Clarity 10,000gil extra!
*Accuracy of fortunes not guaranteed